Iniziativa finanziata dal Programma di sviluppo rurale per il Veneto 2014-2020
Autorità di gestione: Regione del Veneto – Direzione AdG FEASR e Foreste


New supply chain of pre-germinated seeds for the agri-food industry


As part of extensive agricultural production, there is a lack of nutrients and vitamins in the seeds and flours coming from some plants, cereals in particular.


The main objective of the demonstrative project GO SEEDS is to identify plant species with seeds with particular characteristics (color, size, starch/protein content, etc.) to be included in the new supply chain of pre-germinated seeds. The pre-germination of seeds increases the bioavailability of different macro and micro elements and vitamins and can improve the nutritional and technological quality of flours, expanding the range of possible food uses and the pool of consumers, who are increasingly attentive to healthy lifestyles.

Vitamins of the B complex and the rare vitamin E are present in the germ. Additional vitamins can be found in the bran and in the endosperm.


The specific objectives of the projects are:

  1. Promote the development of a new supply chain of pre-germinated seeds, expanding the range of agro-food uses of the flours coming from them (eg special breads and pasta, biscuits, breading, stuffing of tortellini, etc.).
  1. Enhance cereal production, legumes and other species to increase the added value of agricultural production, increasing the profitability of businesses;
  1. Develop some aspects of the pre-germination protocol for seeds of different species, overcoming some critical issues of the process (eg bacterial contamination);
  1. Verify the possibility of biofortificating the seeds and flours with microelements during pre-germination process.

The experimentation will consider in particular the use of particular varieties such as corn with colored kernels and legumes with a high protein content, which could advantageously support this new supply chain, which requires adequate systems as well as widespread know-how. The pre-germination and biofortification protocol will be implemented at the mill’s pilot plant and subsequently assessed the technological quality of the flours.


MOLINO QUAGLIA S.P.A.: The company has 120 years of experience in milling wheat for food use. The use of the most advanced technologies that are more respectful of the organoleptic characteristics of the grains and the methodical and precise control of the production process used within the mill guarantee safety and excellent quality of the products, respecting the needs of consumers and the market. The flours produced by the company are addressed to different categories of use: bakery, catering, agri-food industry and special products (eg gluten-free flours).

DEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMICS ANIMALS FOOD NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT (DAFNAE): The mission of DAFNAE is to promote the competitiveness of the agri-food sector and the sustainable use of natural resources, with particular reference to the economic and environmental sustainability of the agro-zootechnical activity both at territorial and business level.

DAFNAE deals with developing competence and critical capacity in evaluating, conceiving, proposing, planning, coordinating and managing actions aimed to improve farming practices; with harmonizing the agro-zootechnical practices with the needs of protection, safeguarding and defence of the biodiversity of natural resources; without neglecting the economic impacts of the proposed actions both at company and territorial level; with enhancing the animal production (product quality, process quality and traceability) in the different agri-food supply chains.

STUDIO 3A S.R.L. – Works in the agricultural, agri-food sector and more generally in production sectors not exclusively belonging to the primary sector, with the role of Project Manager, acquiring good problem-solving skills during the experiences gained in many years of activity, making sure – thanks to excellent relationship and sharing skills – that the Client’s project is carried out according to his expectations and within the pre-established timing.

Studio 3A is made up of a working group made up of people who have perfected over time complex planning skills, technical, legal, regulatory, agronomic and agri-food knowledge, in particular in carrying out dissemination, information and decision support actions, both to individuals and to aggregate contexts, in the development of agri-food supply chains, dealing with projects that often fall within the European program, such as: RDP, ROP, COM, Local Action Groups (LAG), Innovative Networks, Districts, Business Consortia , etc.